Singing Classes
Refering to her singing diplomas below, Bernadette Sialm disposes of a large and profound
educational background. Her teaching skills have been perfected in a longtime class
expercience with juvenile and adult students.
Singing class is given according to established methods.
Bernadette Sialm is looking forward to your application for singing classes at
mail@bernadettesialm.ch or by means of sending a message:
Singing Diplomas of Bernadette Sialm:
Teaching Diploma for Solo Singing at the Conservatoire Basel, Prof. Verena Schweizer
Education Discipline with high honors
Concert Diploma for Opera at Highschool of Arts Bern/Biel
Prof. Carol Smith
Concert Diploma for Solo Singing at the Conservatoire Basel, Prof. Verena Schweizer
Advanced training by Prof. Beata Heuer-Christen in Freiburg im Breisgau and
Prof. Isolde Siebert in Basel
Advanced Courses
Duet Singing/Piano with Gérard Wyss
Interpretation and performance of new music with Jürg Wyttenbach
Contempory music with Jürg Henneberger
Ensemble and string quartet with mit Walter Levin
Education of Body Disposition with Burga Schwarzbach
Master Classes:
Joan Sutherland
Carol Smith
Jakob Stämpfli
Klesie Kelly
Elisabeth Glauser
Teaching activities:
Teacher for musical basic courses at Conservatoire Basel
Teacher for Solo Singing at Conservatoire Basel
Teacher for Solo Singing at Music School Unterägeri (ZG);
Teacher for Solo Singing at Pedagogic Highschool Zürich MKZ
Teacher at the Music School Cham (ZG)
Private singing class
References available on demand
Teacher for Solo Singing at Pedagogic Highschool Zürich MKZ